Trine Holst Veicharts, Head of Risk at the Danish Highways Directorate

The Danish Highways Directorate presides over a substantial portfolio of construction projects. As well as the construction of roads, the directorate has also recently taken over several prestigious building construction projects, including the ambitious new State Natural History Museum in the centre of Copenhagen.
The directorate employs a suite of risk management methodologies, including a fully quantitative risk analysis and tracking tool developed by the Danish Consultancy Rambøll. As a highly regarded Risk Manager with a proven track record of adoption of new technology, we will be asking Trine: What would it take for a risk manager on the front line of risk management to adopt these new tools? What is the benchmark of trust? How would you assess the benefits, and the risks, and weight them off against the financial and resource costs?
Speaker biography
Trine is a civil engineer with coming up for 30 years’ experience with risk management as project engineer, consultant and, since 2007 as head of risk management at the Danish Highways Directorate. Trine also services as the chairman of the board of the Risk Chapter of the Danish Engineering Association. Highly regarded as a risk manager, Trine is an active participant in international Risk Management networks and committees and a much sought after facilitator, instructor and presenter.
Graeme is an independent consultant, based in Copenhagen, specialized in the application of quantitative methods to Risk Management and Strategy.
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